Benefit of Trading with STP/ ECN Brokerage

As a STP/ECN brokerage, clients trades are passed on straight to our liquidity providers; we make only a marginal profit on commissions, which stems from traded volume.

The STP/ECN model is favored by many traders, as firms operating in the STP/ECN model are often able to offer more competitive spreads. STP/ECN brokerages pass many trades on to the liquidity providers who are able to offer very tight spreads due to the huge volumes they are dealing in, meaning under standard market conditions spreads tend to be much tighter.

A Seamless and Secure Trading Environment

S.A.M. Trade is in partnership with some of the world's best technology providers to provide clients with a seamless and secure trading environment.



The technology used at S.A.M. Trade is known as Electronic Communication Network (ECN). ECN is a type of computerized network that facilitates the trading of financial products outside traditional stock exchanges. It connects major brokerages and individual traders so they can trade directly between themselves without going through a middleman and make it possible for investors in different geographic locations to quickly and easily trade with each other.



MetaTrader 4 is a platform designed to provide clients with the best trading experience, analyzing financial markets, as well as using Expert Advisors. The MetaTrader 4 platform is a lot more than just a state-of-the art trading platform. Its distributed architecture, robust security system, convenient mobile trading, and innovative automated trading are some of the core competences that give MetaTrader 4 its compelling competitive advantages, thus offering the perfect solution to the most demanding trading needs.